Maintaining a Healthy Workplace in a Post COVID World
One of the positives to come from the last 2 years of COVID has been an increased focus on how we best create and maintain healthy and comfortable work environments for staff.At ADM, this has led to several changes in our workplaces (which has included some building modifications in our VIC and WA offices) – but also an enthusiasm for looking to looking for ways to improve all aspects of workspaces.
We have recently completed the ‘rollout’ of Delos air purifiers at all ADM locations – using a combination of large area purifiers (in our large Victorian reception, customer service, and office spaces), as well as units in our tea-rooms, technical spaces, and smaller units where one-on-one interactions occur (at reception desks, in our warehouse packing room, in meeting rooms).
Whilst many of the changes have been prompted by COVID (and the advice that air purification and ventilation can help reduce the transmission of COVID – especially in association with other effective personal and interpersonal behaviours) – air purifiers bring significant benefits for staff health across the wider indoor air-quality spectrum – including dust and aerosol reduction.
The sources of the advice we considered included the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the University of New South Wales.
ADM chose the Delos air purifiers because they are compact making them easy to install.
One of the units we have installed is the Delos Healthway Intellipure Compact HEPA Air Purification Unit

The Delos Compact air purification system is perfect for bedrooms, offices, classrooms, and hotel rooms and is suitable for spaces up to 51 square metres (about twice the area of a parking space) in area.
This makes it a highly efficient and versatile air purifier.
The Healthway Intellipure Compact is a portable air purifier that exceeds the HEPA filter standard. Delos claims the unit can achieve a 99.99% reduction of airborne viral loads down to .007 microns.
This claim has been confirmed by tests carried out by an independent certified laboratory. The tests were conducted in accordance with standard EN-1822 with the Intellipure Compact purifier operating at 150 CFM.
We are happy to discuss this project with any of our customers, who are considering implementing similar measures in their workplaces. Simply submit any questions you may have through our online contact form.